You’d think creating blog content would be easy pie for a writer. And it is. Other people’s blog content. Why has it taken me so long to create my own? I think it’s related to the cobbler’s children going barefoot.
My new motto: IJWS. It’s Just Writing, Stupid.
For two years now, friends and advisors have been telling me I must blog. “It’ll be so easy for you. You already write every day.” Right. Easy. For one year I’ve been planning to blog, saying I’m going to blog, jotting down ideas, even writing other people’s blog entries. And where has my blog been all this time? Ah, yes. Lovely day, isn’t it?
So it is cause for celebration that I’ve finally unveiled Madhouse Wordsmiths, the blog of my business, Finishing Touches Editing. I invite all my readers to share stories, offer constructive feedback, and tell me what you’d like to see in this blog.